In converting my mm 2010 projects to mm 2019, I have run across my code implementing mmFactoryDesktop. I tried using mmFactory, I get an error:
System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'Ambit.POS.Main.Factory' to type 'OakLeaf.MM.Main.Windows.Forms.ImmFactoryWinForms'.'
I can't find any references in the help file to ImmFactoryWinForms. I have included MM.NET Framework Windows Forms 2019, but I don't can't find the factory I need to override.
It may be that it's in the MM .NET 4.8 Dev Guide. We usually put instructions for upgrading in each Dev Guide, so you would need to go through each Dev Guide starting with the version you're moving from, through the version you're moving to. You can download the MM .NET 4.8 Dev Guide from the Downloads section of our web site. Here's a screenshot of the section I'm talking about:
I must need new glasses. I looked in the "Moving Projects to MM .NET 4.8.1" and there is nothing about Windows Forms. I searched for "Factory" and went through the results and I found nothing about Updating Windows Forms. I went through "Creating Windows Forms Applications" in the contents and found nothing referring to the mmFactoryDesktop..
I went through the results in the Index for mmFactoryDesktop and found only references to methods and properties.
I did a search on "mmFactoryDesktop" and found nothing about converting from previous versions.
Everything in the documentation indicates that mmFactoryDesktop should be inlcuded in the Oakleaf.MM.2019.Winforms assembly, but I don't see it. When I search the ObjectBrowser, for mmFactoryDesktop under OakLeaf.MM2019.Winforms and I get no results.
I am truly at a loss.
Jeff, did you see the section in the topic "Moving Projects to MM .NET 4.8" on "Updating Windows Forms Applications" where it discusses changes you need to make to your Factory class?